FSiPanel Airac cycle update

Hi Steve,
first of all, thanks for your patience and your help in this case. Much appreciated …

I have found the issue - it was in the manual installer, where a file was missing for the new FSiPanel version and therefore you have gotten the “out of date” message in the application. I have changed the file now on our server and it should be ok now. I have made some tests between manual installer and FMS Data Manager.

From now on, all should be ok … and yes, when you add a new addon → you must press the “scan” button in the FMS Data Manager, that the manager detects this new addon. The “autoscan” works only on the first startup, when you have a fresh FMS Data Manager installation without any mappings.
So, the “scan”-button was the right way …

The FMS Data Manager is only a temporary solution, till FSiPanel is added in the Navigraph Navdata Center, which should be used for all MSFS addons but here is holiday time too and the colleges needs a little bit outtime too, therefore this temporary solution with the FMS Data Manager and/or the manual installer from the webpage.

Sorry again for the confusion and sorry for the mistake, what I have made. From now on you can use the manual installer too.


Thanks for the reply Richard.

Getting all these add ons to talk to each other must be a real challenge, so there is bound to be settling in time involved.
Navigraph is a great resource and fully integrating it is worth a bit of effort.

Keep up the good work!


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