Today i made a short flight to LXGB-Gibraltar in FS2020 with the Fenix A320 and standard scenery.
I couldn’t made an RNAV approach to RWY27…
Even no VOR GBR 113.60 visible
Later on i made the same flight in Prepar3D v5.3 with the PMDG 737-800NGXu.
I managed to make an RNAV Approach to RWY27 even de VOR GBR 113.60 was visible…
AIRAC 2105 for FS2020 is Up to Date with the Fenix Navigraph Addon also.
Prepar3D v5.3 AIRAC 2105 is Up to Date and al the Navdata for LXGB is visible.
Is there an explanation for the above missing Navdata?
Hi Hans,
thanks for your report … Two different simulators, so you can´t really compare it at least for navaids. The reason is that we can update the MSFS navaids but we don´t update the P3D navaids. Means it could be, that the MSFS and all other sims are slightly differ due the real-world updates of the navaids. That´s only as general information …
The GBR TACAN is out of service and therefore not included in the MSFS (exactly due the reason from above - because we update the MSFS navaids but not the P3D, these navaids are static and doesn´t reflect the real-world changes)
F0176/22 NOTAMN
Q) LECM/QNNAS/IV/BO /A /000/999/3609N00521W025
A) LXGB B) 2205202359 C) 2208202359
To your second question … According the AIP, there are no RNAV approaches available, only SRA approaches. Not all addons support this kind of approach … and therefore, the possible difference.
On the other hand, we don´t have any approaches for LXGB in our database due the visual part and the radar part. So, I assume you´re using an old file in the PMDG and therefore you see these approaches but they are not from us - or at least, not from the AIRAC 2205.
When you want you can upload the LXGB PMDG file here, that I can look deeper into it, but as I wrote before, it´s at least not from the current cycle. Possible from any outdated one because we don´t delete any files, we only overwrite one. To check this, we need the file but all in all, I assume the FENIX database is correct and also the MSFS navaids.