FMS Navdata base for PSX

Good afternoon,

i just created my account, paid my subscription, download Navigraph FMS manager for windows and followed the steps so it can check my add-ons… but my Aerowinx PSX is not there, so no database available.

How can I solve this problem. Basically I got the subscription for the PSX.

Thank you.

do you have set the "navigation database to “2206-Navigraph”? You must do that in the “Instructor” → “About/Quit” Tab

Also, be sure, you have installed the data into the correct folder:

Hope that helps,

PS: Please be aware - the ident-page will not be updated but you can test it via an simple test - try to enter VHHX as reference-airport on the POS INIT page. VHHX is the old Kai Tak airport, which is not included in the default database, only when you use our database

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