FMS Data Manager (MacOS) crashes on starting with macOS Big Sur

Good day.

First use of FMS DM with macOS BigSur (v11.0.1). Access granted as requested, then starting halts on “Gathering your information…” and the app becomes unresponsive. Re-installed FMS DM after a new download (v : same issue.

Thanks for your help !

Hello Eric! Welcome to the new forum!

We appreciate your feedback, which has been forwarded to the developers who are investigating the issue. Preliminary reports indicate that this is a compatibility issue.

Again, thanks for the report and apologies for any inconvenience caused!

Kind regards,

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Kind reminder, as I am now 2 cycles late…
Thanks for your help and happy new year to everyone at Navigraph !!
Best regards,

Hello Eric!

Don’t fret - our developers are still working on it. We had issues with Simlink on Big Sur as well which have now been solved. Hopefully, the solution will apply to the FMS Data Manager too!

I will advise as soon as our developers have made more progress!

Happy New year! :tada:


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Hello Malte ! I hope you’re doing well !
I understand that this issue is not the easy one and I’m sure the developers do their best to solve it. In the mean time, is there a possibility to update manually the FMS data on my add-ons ?
Thank you and best regards.

Of course! Should have told you about it from the beginning, my bad sorry.

You can manually download FMS Data for any product from the FMS Data Manual Installation dropdown in your account downloads on!

Do you still experience this problem with FMS Data Manager on Big Sur? I am unable to reproduce the issue with the latest version installed. If you do, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open finder and press Cmd ⌘+ Shift+ G
  2. Type ~/navigraph/fms-manager/logs in the prompt that shows up
  3. Attach any relevant logs found in the folder (presumably the latest one) to your next post

Kind Regards,

Hello Malte !

Unfortunately, same issue. I checked the versions :
Big Sur : 11.1 ; FMS Data Manager (Mac) : (Just to be sure, I downloaded and installed it again before testing).

Please find attached the latest log. I hope it will help (it’s Chinese to me !!).
Best regards.

20210125-175459.log (10.7 KB)

Thank you! As previously mentioned, we had issues with Simlink that might be related that should now be fixed. Once we have verified this fact, we’ll see if the fix works for FMS DM as well. In the meantime, please use the manual installers!

Apologies for the inconvenience!


Thank you very much, Malte, and don’t apologize ! Unfortunately, the last macOS-s have been known for the issues they provoke on third parties softwares… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Again, I’m very sure that your developers will find a solution so I’ll wait a bit more and see if the Simlink fix works also for the DM (fingers crossed !).
Kind regards.

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Hello Malte ! I hope you’re doing well.
New version of BigSur installed (11.2.2) but same issue.
Please find below the latest log.
Kind regards.
20210226-184510.log (10.7 KB)

Thank you for the feedback! We think that this may be a problem with our package signing process. To confirm, please download the latest version of FMS Data Manager from the website and start it. Do you get a window like the one below?


Thanks again for your patience!


Hello Malte !

Thank you too for your patience !!

As I already installed this version of the FMS DM, here is what I get :

It’s just a warning and I can open it if I wish. It says “MacOS cannot verify this developer. Do you really want to open this ? If you do, you will bypass the security system and may expose your computer, your data or your privacy to malware.” (OPEN or CANCEL).

Thank you again for your help and I wish you “Bon courage !”
Best regards.

Thank you for the information, which confirms our suspicions. We’ll have a fix published for this really soon. Thank you for your patience!


HI, I am in a similar position as the above, my problem is that i get the cannot be opened message so cannot even run theFMS data manager.
I am using Big sur on a 2020 Imac.

I have updated x-plane manually, but as there are other things to update it would be useful to have the FMS manager working.



Hello @Homelyn! Welcome to the forum.

I suspect that it is the same issue, related to the signing of our packages. In order to bypass this temporarily until we have a fix, please press and hold Ctrl then double-click our app. You’ll see that the prompt now includes an Open option despite the warning message.

If this does not solve it for you, please send a screenshot of the message that you are receiving.


Hi, tried the cal and open, got the open facility however didn’t open when requested.

Hope you can see the screenshot


Hello Eric !
When you’re here, open the System Preferences, then Security and Confidentiality (Sorry, I’m a French user, I’m not sure of the English words…). Click on the lock down left, enter your password to unlock it. When done, you can click on “OK” below in the message “Navigraph cannot be opened, bla, bla, bla”. Now you should see a new line in the System Preferences, ending with “Open Anyway” or something like this. Click on this, then relaunch the FMS Data Manager. Now, you should have the same warning window I posted previously in this topic and be able to open it. By the way, I use the same procedure with the new add-ons which contain the “mac.xpl” file, e.g. a new aircraft.
Please tell us how far you go after that !
Eric Lavorel

got it, have doe what you said (never thought about the security form prefs, I have used it before on other dons.

Managed toast up FMS and although it did not find my adding inc x-plane) i installed hem manually from the front end and have updated FMS dat fro the manager.

Thanks agin (Merci beaucoup)



Hello Eric !
So, I understand FMS Data Manager works OK for you, excluding the fact that you have to tell it what kind of data you need and where you want them. Is that correct ? Because this means another problem to our friends developers of Navigraph. Why does it work for you but crashes for me, although we seem to have almost the same configuration ??? Beats me !!! But, clearly, one thing we have in common and it also have been reported in at least another topic : FMS DM, macOS version, is unable to locate properly the X-Plane add-ons so we have, us, Mac users, to tell the program what to do ! Please, Navigraph, show some love to the Mac version of your FMS DM and I, personally, would gladly help for testing !!

Hi Eric,

We are testing a new version of FMS Data Manager for macOS, so we might take you up on the suggestion. Will know more next week.
