Flight plan in MSFS vs FMC

I have searched various forums but couldn’t come up with a reason. The question I have is what is the difference between inserting a flight plan from simbrief into MSFS vs directly into PMDG FMC, for example.

Must MSFS be able to read the flightplan and for what reason? I only insert my flightplan directly into the FMC for PMDG in the packages folder but not intp MSFS. Must I generate a plan for both Simulator to read and FMC?


you don´t need to load any flightplan in the MSFS when the addon has a direct import. The only reason could be, that you want to use the in-game ATC because the in-game ATC uses only the flightplan from the MSFS and not from any loaded in the addons.

But I´m honest, the ATC in MSFS is not the best and very basic …

Hope that helps,

Thankyou…exactly as I thought…thanks so much.

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