Fenix A320 database

Hi, I wanted to ask you if it was possible to make public some types of data in your database related to NAVDATA of the FENIX A320. Some of us developers, myself included, sometimes have to run custom ILS. To insert a new ILS into your database, precisely the frequency, I would need the decoding for that type of data as it reports an integer and not the frequency in decimal numbers. It’s possible? Thank you

If you know the source data type and the data type you need, can’t you create a simple abstraction layer that does this transposition as part of whatever youre building? Secondly, why not use the non-fenix data if (by chance) it’s already in the format you need? It’s fairly standard to have to massage data when working with external API’s, this seems like the same situation to me.

Hi Paolo,
what are custom ILSes? Which ILSes are missing?

In general and to be clear, it is not allowed to change, add, tranform or process our database in any way. When you do this, you run into an un-supported stage, un-supported from the 3rd party aircraft developer and us.

For sure, you can do what you want for your own usage but also here, please don’t expect any support.


Hi, we are studying a new airport. I also wanted to test the volatility of the track with Fenix. Fenix ​​only reads data from your database. I wanted to insert the data of this new track into your database. only problem is the frequency of the ILS which is an integer instead of a decimal. The purpose of this is on a purely personal level and I don’t expect any support. Surely Fenix ​​will not be the subject of third-party development parts given the data armor. A very simple question: what was the point of putting that database field in a different format? Thank you

Allright Paolo, give me the frequency/ies and I will convert it to the correct values for you which you can than insert in your own Fenix database …


Thanks so much Richard. I am 110.50 111.50 108.50 109.50 thank you, so I can also try the Fenix.

No prob Paolo, here are the frequencies for the Fenix db:

110.50 = 285540352
111.50 = 286588928
108.50 = 277151744


Thanks Richard, I would also ask you for 109.50 as previously asked. Thanks again

Sorry, Paolo - overseen the last frequency, so here again the complete list of your requested ILS frequencies:

110.50 = 285540352
111.50 = 286588928
108.50 = 277151744
109.50 = 278200320


Thanks so much Richard


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Sorry but I don’t understand your answer. Data source is in a database. This is referred to as a format of a database field.

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