FAFK and FAWN airports

Good day
In the real world airport FAFK [Fisantekraal] had a name change with the ICAO code now FAWN [Cape Winelands]

FAFK still exists in MSFS. With Navigraph installed, which has FAWN in database, the runway textures are overlayed.

I installed a payware airport for FAFK but cannot get rid of the runway textures put in by Navigraph.

I have done the re-ordering in MSFS, with no success.


Package reorder

Any ideas ?.

the FAKT package contains the FAWN airport too, or is this a own package because it’s unclear for me when I see your content.xml file. Here you have the FAKT-package but no FAWN line.


PS: is this a marketplace scenery or from where can I download it?

The point is, that we haven’t FAFK in our database nor the runways for this airport code. On the other hand, we have FAWN in our database which is now the real world airport code.

So, you can’t overwrite it because MSFS means that these are two different airports. MSFS uses the airport codes to identified double airports (because these codes must be unique) not positions.

So, this can’t really be handle with the current features of the MSFS because the MSFS has included an outdated airport code plus you use a 3rd party scenery which also use this outdated airport code (which looks a little bit strange for me, because this airport exists in real but only with another code).

Anyway, you can’t handle this with the current possibilities, sorry.


Hi Richard, thank you for your reply.

The FAFK [not FAKT] package is a payware package [nmgsimulations-fafk] which is installed in Community folder.

What puzzles me is that if the Navigraph Airac is removed with the Hub then there is no issue.
Also the stock MSFS does not have FAWN, only FAFK.

Is FAWN airport introduced by Navigraph Nav Data? Can FAWN not be removed by Navigraph from the AIRAC data?.


PS : You posted while I replied. I understand.

Sorry, of course I mean also FAFK …

When you remove our data it must work, because now both (MSFS and the 3rd party scenery) use the outdated airport code.

We use real world, quality data from Jeppesen and therefore FAFK isn’t any longer included but FAWN which is exactly the same airport as FAFK.

So, we can’t remove a real-world airport that wouldn’t make sense. My assumption is, that this (due the outdated MSFS airport code) was the reason, why the 3rd party designer has also used the old/outdated airport code because only with this way, you can “overwrite” the stock airports - when the airport codes are equal.


Thanks Richard. I have learnt something about scenery ordering and whatnot today.

For now I would just uninstall the AIRAC before sim start if I know that I would be flying into FAFK aka FAWN. It is VFR airport anyway and only used for training IRL.


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