Double runway at Marketplace Airport FVHA (FVRG)

With the Navigraph Hub installed, the runway at the airport appears slightly shifted.
Is there a solution?

FVHA doesn’t exist or at least I haven’t found anything in our data … We have only FVRG in our database.

But as a general answeryes, you must re-order the packages in MSFS, but please don’t ask how. There is no documentation how this can be done but this re-order tool was made exactly for this (at least what an ASOBO employee in the MSFS dev forum).

Sorry, that I can’t help more. Is the scenery from the marketplace with the ICAO code FVHA or FVRG?


I have figured out now that FVHA is the old/outdated airport ICAO code, but we use the current one FVRG. So when the 3rd party scenery really use the outdated airport code, you have no chance because for the MSFS these are two different airport even when they are on the same location.

The scenery designer should update your scenery, than the MSFS can “overrule” our package.

Sorry, but when this is really the case (3rd party scenery uses the old airport ICAO code) you can’t do anything.


Hi Richard,
The airport is offered in the marketplace under FVHA, but it is the same airport as FVRG.
The problem also occurs if the Airport is uninstalled.
If Navigraph is not active, then the problem does not occur regardless of whether FVHA is installed or not.


Hi Hans-Jürgen,
is the airport code in the stock scenery also the outdated FVHA or the real one FVRG?


Hi Richard,
Both names (FVHA and FVRG) are present under flight planning in MSFS - it is the same airport and it makes no difference.


You mean, when you don’t have install our package, the stock data contains also both airport codes? Hm, than you should report this to ASOBO/MS.

I know only the situation, where the scenery in MSFS is outdated and use an old ICAO code, and we in our data use the real one. Than its overlapping because the MSFS means that this are two different airports even they are on the same location.


Ok, I have checked the stock scenery in MSFS. The MSFS has included FVHA as default, which is wrong and outdated. We use FVRG, which is correct but results in a overlay. The reason is what I have written before - the MSFS means it´s a own airport and you can´t overwrite it. I assume that is also the reason why the 3rd party designer has used the “old/wrong” icao code FVHA for their scenery because they would run into the same trouble, but I´m not a scenery designer - possible that there is really a function, where you can completely disable such “old” airports.

In summary, thats a MSFS issue - because the MSFS shows the outdated airport (at least outdated due the wrong ICAO code). The only chance is to report it ASOBO/MS, there is no other possibility to prioritize the scenery here, sorry.


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