EGGW still old RWY in Aerosoft Navdata


According to Charts and also my Sceney, the Runways at Luton should be 07/25
However with the latest Airac the Aerosoft Airbus still gets me the old 08/26 as option.

Kind Regards

Hi Patrick,
due the lack of information only a general answer … We don´t have 08/26 in our data - we have 07/25, so the correct one. I assume, that there is something wrong with your installation but again, we have the correct runways in our dataset:

… here a part of the EGGW procedure file which includes the runways:



Hi Richard

Indeed my fault. In the config, NavData Pro was selected insteed of Navigraph. Don’t know why because I never used NavData Pro but as I switched now “back” to Navigraph the Airbus shows me 07/25

Kind Regards and thanks for the hint.

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Thanks for the feedback Patrick …

Guten Rutsch und viel Gesundheit fĂĽr 2022 :wink:

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