EBCI ILS 24 wrong DME


I just got EBCI from RFScenery but at the threshold for ILS 24 it reads 1.6

The producer says this is correct but on the chart it reads 0 at threshold. Can someone explain what is going on?

Same readout without the addon scenery ?



I found this

I will disable the scenery and check

Using default scenery with NG 2409 the DME is zero at threshold of rwy 24

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Confirm, this observation - have also zero at the THR - thanks Stephen :wink:


Should there be any doubt by the scenery developer, DME is co-located with glidepath:

Thanks for checking guys. I believe this scenery developer is just using the MSFS standard location

So if the default navdata gets replaced by navigraph why isn’t the EBCI scenery not using navigraph data because that is using the stock data from MSFS?

I don’t know the 3rd party scenery nor do we have any contact to the designer, therefore only an assumption.

It could be that the antennas are also set in the scenery. Further the loading order of the packages are wrong and last, the scenery designer doesn’t allow to overrule his airport facilities from any another package.

Again, this can be the reason but I don’t know what is the real cause here. I don’t have the scenery for testing.


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