Download performance "Simbrief downloader ..."

Hi there,
currently downloading the setup file with 90kb(!) with a 100Gb line :exploding_head:
What’s the problem on your side?
THX for response.
cheers, cfg023


It might have been a temporary Internet issue?

I just downloaded at 60 Mbps. Please try again.


Hi Ian, sorry, no worth your reply. My line provided real 100 Gb but the download lasted 20 minutes.
Installation was ok.
Cheers Bernd

Hi, there are currently no known issues affecting the server’s download/upload speeds.

This doesn’t mean that there is an issue on your PC either. The issue could be occurring anywhere along the countless networks between your PC, your ISP, and SimBrief. It isn’t possible for us to troubleshoot that from our end unfortunately.

To clarify, your ISP may take a slightly different route to each website you visit. So even if you only see this issue on SimBrief, it does not necessarily mean that there is a problem with the SimBrief server itself.

In some cases, your ISP may be able to investigate the problem and correct it if you contact them. But often this isn’t required, as the issue normally resolves itself on its own after a few days. If this behavior lasts more than a month or 2, perhaps it might be worth contacting your ISP however.

Best regards,

No issue anymore …
Cheers, cfg023

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