Direction Aircraft symbol in Moving map

Since a couple of weeks the pointer of the aircraft symbol is pointing in another direction ( e.g flying north and the symbol points west or even south) in the air and on an apron. Not a big problem but annoying :slight_smile: It is not a computer related issue because I tried it out on two different, unconnected W10 computers. Any thought how to solve it?

Tia Ton

Hi Ton,


Please post screenshots showing the behaviour using Guide to posting Screenshots](Posting Guide - Uploading Screenshots).


Hi Ian, thanks for the swift reply,

The orange line is the actual direction

Hmmm, yours is the only report, so I don’t have an answer at the moment. We are beta testing a new Charts version, so I suggest we hold this over till the release.


Hi Ian, Thanks! It is just annoying so it is fine with me!


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Hi Ian,

I hoped the problem would be solved but it is still there in Navigraph charts v8: not only on my windows computer but also on my iPad.


Please install the latest version of Simlink from Navigraph and see if it works better! (Close Sim before installing Simlink.)



Hi Steven,

Thanks! If 1.127.0906 is the latest it did not work

best Ton

Hi Steven,

The issue is after a few months after updating charts and Simlink still not solved. On my iPad, iPhone and 3 computers the same anomaly is seen. It is not (lan) local because I have the same problem on another address. The only thing that is the same is my inlog. I wonder if I am the only one.

Aircraft is heading NW

best Ton