… and thats exactly the problem. There are a lot of problems with the approaches in the MSFS, specially when you use transition because you have no possibility in MSFS to select an approach transition, only a STAR and the Approach directly but no transition.
The coding behind is exactly the same, but the logic in MSFS is quite differ … we have reported this to ASOBO for approx. 1.5 year but there is no change. You find also a thread in our “Known issue” category to this topic:
It describe exactly the same. But this happens also with the stock data, because it´s the logic in the sim and has nothing todo with the underlined data (if from NavBlue or us).
Sorry, in this case we can´t do anything - the only way is NOT to use the WorldMap flightplanner and to use the Aerosoft CRJ, the WT CJ4 or the FBW A320 (dev version) because these three aircrafts uses their own logic and my not used the bad sim logic.