Departures not displayed on map

In Navigraph Charts, when I select “Departures Available” I get a list of the departures on the left side panel but nothing appears on the map. I am looking for a similar display as I see when selecting approaches… multi-colored lines showing the paths of all available departure paths, allowing me to select the best one for my route. I am pretty sure I was able to see this before, so I tried changing the map display to see if that was the issue. However it did not make any difference. Can you tell me a) if I should be able to see all departure displayed and b) what I am doing/not doing that is preventing me from seeing this?

Note… I posted a note yesterday requesting weather/wind displays in Navigraph Charts but I was unclear how to properly send the note. In any case I later discovered the Wx tab which provides all sorts of weather overlays. The answer to my request. Thank you.

Steve Haines

Hi Steve,

Departures available are displayed based on the runway chosen. If you haven’t chosen a runway, the runway (filter) will default to the first numerical runway.

We don’t display all runway departures at the same time as it would be too cluttered.

Hope this helps.


Hi Ian, thanks for the reply. I understand the logic and have discovered the property you describe. Might I suggest an option button to display all departures at once. if that’s doable? For most airports that would enable the viewer to easily compare all departure routes and make a selection. Then to isolate the one you prefer just click the option checkbox to turn off all but the selected runway. Just a thought. In any case, thanks for the answer.

Re my note about wx display… I did discover the new weather display option and think it’s terrific. Again, if I may, a small suggestion if it is possible. I am viewing Navigraph Charts on a Mac Studio 27” display and unless I zoom out to almost a global view I find it difficult to spot the wind barbs. Most likely this is a function of the grib file you are using to source this display and what you see is what you get. If it is possible I might suggest making the barbs a bit bolder or larger so they can be seen better at a closer zoom range. Just a thought.

Thanks, Ian. I appreciate the quick reply.

Steve Haines

Hi Steve,

As I mentioned, “We don’t display all runway departures at the same time as it would be too cluttered”. We shall review this but likely to be “too cluttered”.

We shall look at the algorithm for choosing runway filter when one hasn’t been chosen - e.g. one with 2 or more procedures, one with most procedures, runway chosen by winds etc.

I suggest you place this and suggestion re wind barb size separately in Wishlist so we can gauge interest .
