It appears that the RNAV RNP approaches into CYEG are not correctly drawing the RNP arcs. The example is RNAV Y, runway 12 via APKIT. The example photo is the PMDG 737 which is not drawing an RNP arc. This behaviour exists in the default citation longitude as well on the latest MSFS version as of today.
Sim version, or latest
Navigraph Navdata client version1.2.2
AIRAC 2307 rev.5
The issue does not exist on the charts web app. The web app displays the correct track, including RNP arc.
thanks for the report. The current PMDG syntax doesn’t support arcs. We have implement a workaround which has of course some limits which are not fix able sorry.
This is one example, where we have no chance to solve it but the good news is, that we are working with PMDG on a new format, which should support such arc is the future.
Sorry for the “bad” news but I hope the good news are also ok for you …
Right Matheson, because this aircradt supports the arc and therefore its drawn correctly. The current version of the PMDG is an old text format withinited syntax.
The new format is much more realistic and this format can handle all leg path types. It is much more realistic as the Longitude or any other aircraft.
Sorry, that I have no other news for you … but again, we are working very closely with PMDG and their upcoming addons to improve such current workarounds.