Windows 10 Home
I have just updated to 2305 cycle
The update shows in both xp11 & 12 in the GNS430 and in both root folders “cycle info”
However when loading the FMC in the plane it shows “nav data out of date”?
Accordingly some SIDS & STAR are not showing in the aircraft FMC
Can you please assist with any ideas, Ive exhausted alll mune
Hi Jeffrey,
For which aircraft are you referring to the FMC?
Please see FAQ - Nav Data Out Of Date
Screenshots help using Guide to posting Screenshots
Hello Ian
All Boeing aircraft for both XP11 & 12 to be honest I havent tried A350 as yet

As can be seen by the uploads "Nav Data out of date in all Boeing FMC but seeing the XP11/ Output/ Cycle info it is all up to date
Today I deleted all my Boeing aircraft and reloaded but unfortunately still the same
Thanks Heaos
Please post screenshots of X-plane 11 and X-plane 12 path from Settings page of FMS Data Manger, and the version of FMS Data Manager from same page.
G’Day Ian
Please see attached
Thanks again for your help mate!