As title. Just download latest installer, but old data installed.
Edit: Checked X-Plane 12 data zip, also indicate cycle 2413…
As title. Just download latest installer, but old data installed.
Edit: Checked X-Plane 12 data zip, also indicate cycle 2413…
Other addons including LittleNavMap and Aivlasoft EFB also, the cycle info.txt indicates 2501 but the data files are from 2413
Hi guys,
We are currently checking an internal distribution process. The year switch from 2413 to 2501 looks like it hasn’t worked correctly. Please be patient … we are working on it.
Cheers & thank you
… issue identified - we are preparing the correct files now and will distribute the new files. No new revision - still revision 1. We will only overwrite the old/outdated files.
I will inform you here, when it´s done … sorry for the troubles and thank you for your hint!
Just noticed this with the Fenix package too. Base MSFS data is correct though.
Thank you! … not all packages are affected - only a few, but we are working on it
Hi guys,
Thank you very much for your patience and your various hints. We have now re-distributed some files that don´t have the correct dataset inside. Please can you re-install your datasets? It should be okay now.
Feedback welcome
By reinstall, its just a case of remove and install, right?
Normally - re-install is enough. The files will be overwritten automatically …
Sorry Richard, thats what I meant, so in NavHub just click remove, and then Install again right>?
Yep, thats ok …
I have noticed that the earth_*.dat files all contain a header with the old 2413 cycle and this seems to make many add-ons think they have out of date navdata when in fact it is correct. I was able update these files manually and it seems to resolve issue but just to let you know in case anyone else raised it.
Many Thanks
HI, just wanted to update XPlane12 with the latest AIRAC - the app is telling me that the data is 2501 rev1 has been installed, however even the standard A330 still shows the prior cylce. When I look in the Custom Data folder the navdata still shows a creation date of Dec 17…not sure if this is the issue.
Just saw many messages on this - so now answer required on this one…
FSL dataset for P3D still installs 2413 whether by Datamanager or Manual installer.
Hi Stephen,
Thank you. Can you try it again, please …
Reinstalled via DataManager and the correct 2501 file now exists, thanks.
Yes the manual download for X-Plane 12 Native is still the old files, can’t use the Data Manager as I am using Linux not Windows of MacOS, presume it will be updated tho
Many Thanks
Hi guys (@hefroxianwhomacuddy and @Rodeo314),
There was a caching issue on the AWS side - we have cleared the cache, and the files are correct now. Sorry, and thanks for the hint.