Charts - Saved/Persisted "Favourite" charts by airport

So my idea is this. I basically want to be able to select a set of charts that will automatically be loaded for an airport any time I add it to a route.

For instance - I do quite a bit of flying into Heathrow EGLL, and the 10-1P4, 10-9, 10-9B and 10-9D plates are all really important (in my mind, Essential) plates of information to have on hand when flying into this airport. So in the charts I’d like to be able to “Star” or “Favourite” these charts for this airport so that any time I’m flying into this airport, those charts are automatically added to my pinboard. This would be unique per airport and would just make it less hassle having to go through and re-pin charts for common airports each time.

I just created a pinboard (called EGLL), with the charts you mentioned.

When I plan a flight to/from EGLL I call up my EGLL pinboard.
Is that what you are seeking?


It’d be nice to have an option to automatically call up that pinboard when there’s a flight to or from that destination. It could even be cool if it were conditional! Say it would pull up chart set A if its your arrival, B if its your departure.

But moreso I was thinking of the charts being pinned to the Pinboard that’s generated in Charts for every flight - where the 10-9 Airport diagram, your Departure and your Arrival are automatically pinned already