today I asked myself, why an approach chart in the Headwind A339 EFB is different, compared to the one in the NG Chart Desktop App. In the end, I found out, that the one in the Headwind EFB is an STD Style chart, while the one in the NG App is an CAO Airline Style chart.
However, it took quite some while to realise that and I only got there with the help of a fellow user.
The reason for that was, that the button to change the Chart Style from STD to CAO or vice versa, doesn’t have any effect for me, as the chart seems to be cached in the background. Even restarting the chart app didn’t have any effect.
Is there any way to force the app to take the change? NG Desktop app is on the latest version.
Changing the mode works, as soon as I “unload” my imported Simbrief flight in the app. While the flight is loaded, the mode change has no effect.
EDIT: I am not sure that it is intended that way. Even with a loaded flight, the option should still change the map style. (so not really a full solution for me).
Hello! Thanks for posting. Let’s see if we can clarify the situation!
Identifying CAO charts
To begin with, you can tell CAO and STD charts apart by looking for the symbol highlighted below.
Any chart that has this symbol is a CAO chart. Otherwise, it is an STD chart!
This setting can be changed on two different levels - global and per-flight. You will find the global setting in the settings menu:
And the flight-specific setting in the flight options:
The connection between the two looks like this:
When a new flight is created, it uses the mode that the global switch is set to. After that, however, the mode for that flight is “disconnected” and does not change automatically if you change the global mode - you will have to change the flight option directly!
Potential gotcha when switching modes
Depending on the implementation (EFBs not developed by Navigraph vs our own Charts application for example), changing the mode may or may not immediately change the chart. In our app, the chart that you have open remains open when you change mode, regardless of whether a new chart of a different mode is available. There are several technical reasons for this, and it is not likely to change.
This means that after changing the mode, you need to check the chart list (or pinboard) again and press your chart of choice. These lists should automatically update immediately when changing the mode!
Here’s a quick demonstration of how it works:
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further issues.
I knew the difference between the two styles, just wondered why it didn’t change when I clicked it in the global settings So I just needed to do that on the flight settings instead, with the flight loaded in the desktop app. Today I learned ^^