Your response is so full of exaggerated claim, disinformation, and twisted logic it’s hard to know exactly where to start, so I’ll try to just keep this reply at a high-level and not get too lost in the weeds here.
I’ll begin with what is the biggest issue up front. You don’t seem to believe that C.G. calculations are important, because you believe that CG isn’t modeled in any simulated aircraft. That is patently false, as some of the more sophisticated aircraft at least (e.g., Pro-Sim) do model the effect of C.G. I’m sure there are many others (e.g., JeeHell FMGS, FSLabs, etc.). Maybe the default C172 in the Xbox game doesn’t, I don’t know.
Secondly, you take a rather narrowly restricted view of the flight planning process, as you state that weight and balance is not part of the “Operational Flight Plan”. While that is certainly true, the OFP is not the sum total of the pre-flight preparation. Weight and balance is critical to any pilot that expects to have a long life. Just because it’s not part of the OFP doesn’t mean it isn’t important.
Your claims that Firelight and NavBlue don’t offer weight and balance is laughable. Clearly you haven’t used them, never seen them, and have no idea what they are. Forelight is a complete solution. It literally has a tab on the main user interface for “weight and balance”. Here’s a link for you (ForeFlight - Weight & Balance for Flight Planning). If only it offered the necessary export format for flight simulation use I would ditch the limited functionality of Simbrief in a heartbeat, but this isn’t their market. I’d imagine they don’t want to deal with support requests from people that don’t understand what weight and balance is.
Finally, you act like weight and balance is rocket science. It isn’t. Did you ever play on a “seesaw” or “teeter-totter” as a child. It’s weight times moment arm, as every child instinctively learns on the school playground. You divide the total moment by the total weight and you have the C.G. There is nothing that I had to learn in my education as an aerospace engineer from MIT to learn how to find the center of mass of an object, because it was basic high school physics.
If the only objective of Simbrief is to produce an OFP as you seem to keep falling back on, that is fine. It’s none of my business what product you produce. If Simbrief only wants to be a navigation planner and not a full one-stop-shop for flight planning, that’s your choice. I recommended a feature that could make your product more of a complete solution for pre-flight planning. As it is, Simbrief is not that. It sounds like it never will be, and I will have to find another product that does what I need. They exist. It’s a shame, because what Simbrief does, it does fairly well. But the fact that the developers don’t even understand what C.G. is all about make me wonder what shortcuts have been taken elsewhere that I don’t know about, due to limited understand or interest.