Carenado ATR 72

Hi Everyone, :wave:

I’m new here sorry if I’m in the wrong place and or if this has been asked before hand. I couldn’t seem to find it.

I have the Carenado ATR 72 and Navigraph account which is current. I’m wanting to update it but lost with how to do this? I did read a post stating the following.

Log in to your Navigraph’s account, download the Carenado file, run the installer and follow the onscreen instructions.

I can’t seem to find that? but not sure if that what I’m looking for.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Matthew,


Those instructions appear to be for the Carenado ATR 72 manual installer at FMS Manual Install

The installer is


Hi Ian,

Thank you so much. It works! :smiley:

Hi Matthew,

You are welcome.

Happy flying.


Would you tell me the folder please?



We need more information to assist. Which Operating System, which Flight Simulator, which aircraft, what steps have you taken?

What folder are referring to ? Maybe post screenshots using Guide to posting Screenshots
