With the release of US FAA sectional charts a world has opened for sim GA pilots flying in the America’s. However, many users of Navigraph and are Canadian and/or conduct a lot of flying into Canadian skies as well.
Please add Canadian VNC (Visual Navigation Charts) from NavCanada which are the equivalent of the US FAA sectionals. This would open up the North American skies to the Great White North and enable us real-world pilots and students to practice (understanding that these are not to be used for real world navigation) visual navigation and dead reckoning within Canada.
Thanks and keep up the amazing work of building the flight sim community.
I find the current “VFR” Map basically unusable at points for example, Calgary springbank has many vfr routes and unless you are flying the circuit you will be put on one of these routes, there is no way to see them in navigraph.
Unfortunately you are correct. Canada VNC (and VTA) are not free, you can only them through either through a subscription with ForeFlight, or the paper charts.
Permission might still be required from nav canada to publish them. Before this can be clarified it would be rather risky for Navigraph to provide them.
Just replying to keep the thread open. This is something that is very much missing from Navigraph for me. I do most of my flying in Canadian airspace and the bulk of those hours are doing VFR.