Can we import onto PC from FPlan created on Mac

I have two computers in my home, one PC and the other Mac. The PC runs Microsoft flight simulator. Navigator is on both computers. Is it possible for me to create a flight plan on the Mac and export to the PC.
I ask this question because the other day when I put in a flight reference on the PC it turned up on the Mac which surprised me. Are these two connected via Navigraph?
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance,

Hello! Welcome to the forum!

Yes, any flight you create in any of our apps (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Web, In-game panel) will be available across all platforms, since it is associated with your Navigraph account!

Just note that it will not sync in real time. This means that once you have created a flight on your PC, you will have to reload the list of flights on the Mac for it to show up!

Kind Regards,

Thank you so much Matte. Graham

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