Bug in Charts after latest update

For some reason, some waypoints are showing off the scale in the map.
i.e if you fly in norther Europe, one waypoint as seen in the image below is down in Africa.
Seen this all day on 3 generated flight plans. Route in plane is normal, so nothing wrong with Simbrief.

Also It seems to be connected to alternatives.
Performance in ipad is also very slow (older ipads)

Hello! Thanks for the feedback.

This could be related to the changes mentioned in this topic:

If so, this should now be back in working order. Let me know if that is not the case!

Kind Regards,

Sorry for the late response

I had this issue on two flights.

ENKB 07 to EGPH 24
ENVA 09 to ENDU 10

Have not had any success reproducing what is already shown in the image where one waypoint PTH and STA was suddenly placed down in Africa. Two different route segments but equal issue.

So hopefully it is now fixed or it fixed itself. Route was automatic planned via Simbrief when this happen on two different days/occations.


Thank you for the update!

Then it was indeed caused by the same issue we acknowledged in the other (linked) topic, and then also fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Kind Regards,