I know the Australian Sectors are kinda special, but this will be confusing:
Vatsim Radar:
Also, i would highly advise to do a Vatglasses implemantation, as its the only Maptool that can show sectors correctly.
I know the Australian Sectors are kinda special, but this will be confusing:
Vatsim Radar:
Also, i would highly advise to do a Vatglasses implemantation, as its the only Maptool that can show sectors correctly.
I’d ba happy to provide you with our sector Data for Australia if this is the issue. I’m one of the Aviation Information Services Team (people who look after our controller client) for VATPAC (Australia Pacific) and MORE than happy to provide what you need to fix this
Thank you, both Navigraph and VATPAC.
Just looking at Vatspy currently with YTSN - Brisbane Radio (Tasman) Flight Service Station (FSS) online but not showing up on Navigraph.
YBIK - Melbourne (Bindook) was absent last night from Navigraph.
For your consideration.
Thank you for your generous offer!
Please reach out in DMs, and we’ll be happy to attempt to make this happen!
Kind Regards,
Of course!! Super keen!
Via Discord? or do you have a way to DM on these forums?
If you click on Malte’s avatar, you should get the (Direct) Message option.
Hello everyone! We have just released the first iteration of support for Australian sectors. Please try it out and let us know if you find any issues!
Kind Regards,