There is a problem when using Star HMR4T RWY 26 ESSA.
I have tried without default ESSA scenery and with ORBX ESSA scenery and without ORBX ESSA scenery and with onlu default ESSA scenery, but problem exist .
Can you investigate if you have the same problem.
RGDS Bjorn
Forgot to mentioned that it is MSFS 2020
Hi Bjorn,
It looks like an aircraft issue rather than a data issue. Have you tried the same procedure in any other stock aircraft? I don´t know which aircraft that is, so I can´t really reproduce it. I have tested the same HMR4T with the ILS26 approach in the G3000, and here, the procedure looks okay.
I´m pretty sure that this has nothing to do with the scenery in this case, but it looks really like an interpretation issue in the used aircraft.
But the HMR4T looks good. The approach (and the procedure, in turn) seems a bit of a mess.
I am terrible sorry, I would have tested it in another aircraft. This is in Fenix 319/320/321 and it is only happens in this Star HMR4T.
I just tested it in Ifly Boeing 737max and it works alright there.
I handle the problem over to Fenix support
Thanks anyway
Best Regards
No problem Bjorn - there is no reason to apologize. Fenix uses a own database, completely independent from the MSFS2020 database, so it looks really a interpretation issue in the Fenix A320.
Good decision to ask the Fenix support too in this case … thank you very much!
Enjoy your evening Bjorn,
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