Alternate distance and etops

Hello all I have a question regarding etops dispatch on simbrief. For the 737-800 it uses a distance of 400 under alternate airports, and I was wondering if that is our 60 minute etops entry range ring as well as the single engine cruise speed in still air for etops planning. Because with a single engine cruise speed of 400 you’d travel 400nm miles in an hour. Just wanted to make sure I’m correct in my thinking.

Several US operators use for 430 for their ETOPS Entry/Exit circle, but yes you are correct.

So even though simbrief bases the entry point on a certain one engine out speed the pilot in command (me in this case) could essentially have the entry point different from simbriefs if I decide to use a different one engine out speed I believe simbrief uses a 330 one engine out speed so instead of a 330 nm being my 60 minute entry point I could decide to use say for example 394 nm (one engine cruise speed of west jet) as my 60 min entry point?