Hi guys,
First of all thank you for all your work, SimBrief and Charts are simply fantastic.
I just wanted to report (I don’t know if it can be a feature request actually) that EDTO calculation seems wrong for me. I will explain:
First of all SimBrief reports the EDTO section as ETOPS, I know it still exists the name but due to the new ICAO Annex would you change the name to EDTO for more realism as it is already widely known as EDTO? If possible, otherwise no problem.
I want to explain according to our manual how the EDTO dispatch is done basing my words on SimBrief Tools:
So SimBrief has a section for ETOPS, and it can calculate entry, exit airports and different alternates. All good with that. Where is the problem?
It does not consider that:
Entry aerodrome = Departure aerodrome
Exit Aerodrome = Destination Aerodrome
Alternate 1 = Departure Aerodrome
Alternate 2 = Suitable Aerodrome in range
Alternate 3 = Suitable Aerodrome in range
Alternate 4…. And so on and…
Alternate X (last one) = Destination Aerodrome
This is in our manual
And this is how the real rule is applied to Simbrief
You can see all the ETPs.
But if I let Simbrief do it:
Sometimes it calculates EDTO only for a part of the route, where it thinks you are away from a suitable aerodrome and you need them. Example
Just the part from Alaska to Japan is considered with a mess of range rings and only one ETP. Consider it is a Toronto - Taipei.
Strangely ETOPS Fuel is 0.
This is the Critical Fuel (0032 min) with the EDTO Rule I explained above:
32 min more or less realistic.
Again, I am talking about what I could see in our OFPs and EDTO manual in real life. In the manual it’s stated how it should be dispatched (according to the list above).
Of course due to this “glitch” in SimBrief, the critical fuel (SimBrief calls it ETOPS Fuel, can you change this?) it’s always around 1 or 2 hours, that is huge amount of fuel.
CF is normally around 18/30 min maximum as far as I could see.
Also due to this wrong calculations (in my opinion) SimBrief generates always ONE ETP very close to the entry sometimes with range rings really close together and unrealistic.
Of course I can override manually and I normally do and so 3 ETP and sometimes 4 are generated and the CF gets to normal values of 15 to 35 min.
I am wandering if you can have a look to this and you can maybe change that. I don’t know if anyone agrees with this, I just report that with the knowledge of our operations IRL amd our manuals of EDTO OPS.
Let me know,
Best Regards!