Airac update

My Navigraph AIRAC doesn’t match with TDN GTN750Xi AIRAC.
When I plan a route via Simbrief, the SID and STAR don’t match with these I have in GTN750Xi database. For instance Simbrief want’s me to fly departure from LGAV KEA1E and my GTN750 contains KEA2K, 2J, 2L, etc… but no 1E.
What can I do ?


Thanks for your report, may I ask two questions:

  1. Can you confirm, that Simbrief and the TDN use the same AIRAC cycle (installed via the Navigraph Hub)?

  2. The KEA1E is only for runway 03R … Can you also confirm, that you’re using this runway?

Thanks for your help


Thank you for your reply.

It seems that my TDN GTN 750 Xi is not current. At LGAV RWY03R for instance all the 1E departure procedures are missing in the GTN750 database.

Maybe I need that Pro Upgrade.

Best regards,

Xavier Savigné

Hi Xavier,

Thanks for your answer. Yes, only the PRO version uses our database in the background. So you need the PRO version (which is worth buying :wink:).


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