Hi everyone, I have this problems:
I have the last AIRAC installed CYCLE 2307 rev.2, but the sim still using the old default airac.
I don’t know what’s happening.
an example from asobo atr.
Hi everyone, I have this problems:
I have the last AIRAC installed CYCLE 2307 rev.2, but the sim still using the old default airac.
I don’t know what’s happening.
an example from asobo atr.
I assume that the ident page in the ATR is a static one and doesn’t show the current/installed cycle number.
You can try the A320 or the B787 and look on their ident page if you see the correct cycle number there.
… another test is, via the MSFS content manager, when you look for “Navigraph”. Here you will see if and which package is installed.
Hope that helps
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