Airac cycle 2302 rev.6 won't update due to XML error


The new Navdata Center 1.0.14 and cycle 2303 came live a few minutes ago.

You should not be seeing this error any longer.

Sorry for the delay.




Will download it now. I only came across this about an hour or two ago, so I saw no delay at all! :slight_smile:

Hmm, I see a new line in the “content.xml”

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata-base" priority="1"/>
  <Package name="asobo-vfx-staticmesh" priority="2"/>
  <Package name="navigraph-navdata" priority="3"/>

And the data is rev.1 rather than rev.6.

It certainly seems to work.

I am curious as to why, or perhaps, whether there is a need for the “content.xml” file to be used any more? I don’t believe this is the Asobo way of doing things now, but it certainly doesn’t seem to cause any harm all the same.

If I use Navcenter to remove the data, the addon folders are deleted, and the “content.xml” file is updated, leaving only this new item that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <Package name="asobo-vfx-staticmesh" priority="2"/>

… a question: How should the sim know, which navdata package should be used? You have the default one from ASOBO and you have our package installed. So how will the sim know (without such content-file) which package should be loaded when? And which package has which priority?

The content.xml file is an important file to prioritize packages and will also be created in that moment, when you use the in-game re-ordering tool. So, in other words - this file is also no useless for ASOBO and for the sim.

It gives the devs the possibility to create multiple packages which then will be loaded in the correct order to overwrite other/older/outdated packages. This has nothing todo with the navdata packages, it´s the same when you want to update an existing airport in MSFS with a 3rd party scenery.


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True. There is a package ordering tool in the sim now, experimental, but I don’t know how you would go about accessing that from outside the sim, if that is even possible.

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I´m honest … I´m not a friend of this tool because there are no instructions how you can use and the system, how the sim handle the packages are partly very complex and not very user friendly (at least without any documentation from ASOBO).


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