Airac 2410 VTBS Bangkok problem

As in many other postings, can you confirm that the current (in MSFS2024) airport layout (runways, runway idents) is identical to the real world?

So, you see and can select follow runways:


Hi Richard,

I think I found the culprit. I just tested it again with the Fenix I had access to all SIDs and STARS. I experienced an issue with the FBW A380. With that plane I do have access to all SIDs, but I do not have access to any STAR. Rwy layout is as you have stated. Iam fully aware that the FBW A380 is not yet fully supported in MSFS2024 by the FBW team. It actually runs fine apart from some WASM crashes. Do you have an idea why the FBW A380 can not read STARS, only SIDs? Iam just curious…Maybe I could hand some information over to FBW to help fully transition to MSFS2024. I also checked the cycle in the A380 again it is the uptodate one.

Best regards

Runway numbering in MSFS2024 remains incorrect.

RWY 02R/20L is numbered 01L/19R in the sim.
RWY 01/19 is numbered 02R/20L in the sim.
02L/20R is correct

@srcooke I can not confirm this in MSFS2024. When I enter the mcdu for rwy options there is no 01L existent.
I have 01, 02r, 19,20l, 02l and 20r. Iam using the Siamflight Scenery (1.0.11 February 2025 update), but I guess that does not matter. What am I missing? To me it looks that everything is consistent, scenery is consistent with navdata, with real world.

Best regards,

you never ever mentioned anything about a 3rd party scenery. You nothing mentioned which addon you use, all the information were based on the stock scenery.


Hi Richard,

I am not fully sure whether I understand you. So here is the basic question, why do I have full access to STARS and SIDs with the Fenix on that scenery, which btw is fully consistent with the navigraph charts and I asumme with the cycle as well. But how comes that I have only access to SIDs with another plane (FBW A380) and have not access to the STARS? That seems pretty unlogical. If this is a FBW issue then alright, I mean to be fair A380 is not fully supported in MSFS2024.

EDIT: I just checked with someone on Discord, in MSFS2020 there is no issues selecting STARS in the A380 at that Scenery (SiamFlight 1.0.11, February 2025 update), so I guess it is a MSFS2024 thing.

Best regards,

Fenix doesn’t use the in-game navdata; it uses its own independent database. Therefore, the correct airports, runways, and procedures are entirely independent.

In our eyes, using external databases is highly recommended because, as you can see now and with the sim updates, the dependency is too close to the sim when something is not working as expected.

The A380 uses the in-game navdata, and here, the sim turns off the procedures when the scenery is outdated. So, the logic is in the sim and not in the addon.

The issue in MSFS2024 is the loading order of the packages, which is entirely different from the loading rules in MSFS2020. The rule of how and which package will be loaded is still unclear, or it is buggy (I don’t know). That means it looks like your 3rd party scenery will be loaded BEFORE the stock scenery, which would explain your observation of the missing procedures and/or runway-idents.

The MSFS2024 contains the same procedures as the Fenix, but they will not be shown correctly due to an unknown loading order. That’s nothing we have in our hands; we “only” provide the data and can follow the recommendations from the SDK. I’m sorry.


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Hi Richard,

ok now Iam getting it. Thx for your explanation.

Best regards,

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@srcooke you were actually right. Richard explained it well. I just did not know how this worked all together. Thx for commenting anyway.

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