AIRAC 2104 errors

Is this where to report AIRAC errors, presumably so you feed them back to Jepperson ?

If so, LOWG Graz now has 17 and 35 runways (not 16/34), according to:


Hi Mike,
all documents/links are outdated. Since March 2021 the runway-idents were changed to 16C/34C


So 16C/34C are the correct ones …

Hope that helps,

Thanks very much for a quick reply Richard. I should have guessed !

Is that the right place to raise possible inaccuracies ?


Yes Mike, it´s the right place - and when not, we move it to the right place - no problem. No topic will be lost and I can speak for all in the Navigraph team, we try to answer all topics on time … :wink:

So, don´t hesitate to contact us again here in the forum, whenever you have a question, recommendation, improvement, idea or an issue … we are here :airplane:


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