After Update Simlink lost my position

Today I was asked to download a new version of SIMLINK, which I did. Replacing the old one in my APP-File. After loading Navigraph and XP12 my aircraft was found somewhere in Africa, and while airborne in US (KJFK) Navigraph crashes and says “error occurred” - please join our forum.

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This was probably caused by a temporary issue. Let us know if it happens again!

Does this topic seem related?

Kind Regards,

I have the same issue after issue after updating Simlink to version running on macOS. I’ve reinstalled the app and the plugin several times, yet Simlink is now just placing me along the equator in eastern Africa.

Hello - Another report of Simlink not knowing where I am!

Mac 13.5.1, X-Plane 11.55, Simlink, Navigraph Charts 8.29.0.

The Charts app shows my position in the Indian Ocean when I am at Manchester EGCC. Has happened since yesterday when installing new Simlink version.

Thanks for the reports, everyone! No additional “me too” or system reports are needed at this time, we have identified the issue and will be issuing an update shortly.

In the interest of staying organized, please refer to the linked thread for updates from now on.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We are in the final moments of testing an updated Simlink version.

Kind Regards,

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