Aerosoft CRJ Data installed incorrectly for P3D 5.1

Under P3D 5.1, all nav data for the Aerosoft CRJ Professional should install into:

C:\P3v5 Addons\Aerosoft CRJ Pro v5\Data\NavData\

That folder should contain the 5 text files for: Airports, ATS, cycle_info, Navaids and Waypoints as well as a sub folder called \PROC for procedures.

Nav data manager is putting the 5 text files into the correct place - however the data manager creates a completely new (and incorrect) folder folder for procedures:

C:\P3v5 Addons\ Aerosoft CRJ Professional \Data\NavData\PROC

The FMS in the airplane cannot find the procedures there. When the CRJ is initially installed, it includes a set of older procedures from their own NavDataPro service, installed in the correct place, so it is not immediately obvious that the data manager is not updating them correctly, since the other text files, and FMS AIRAC effectivity date, are being correctly updated. The bug did not show up until an Aerosoft CRJ user noted that the FMS was still showing an older SID procedure name at KORD that has been changed in recent months.

Jim Barrett

Hi Jim,
thank you very much for this valueable hint - you´re absolutely correct. The path for the procedures is wrong. We will prepair a second revision for that, where this is corrected. Thank you so much for your help!

By the way :slight_smile: Happy New Year 2021 …


Revision 2 is ready and in the release process - the manual installer is still available from the webpage, the client files will be available soon. Thanks Jim!

I have installed revision 2, and can confirm that all files are now placed correctly. Thanks for the update!

Frohes neues Jahr an alle bei Navigraph!

Jim Barrett

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Thanks, tack, danke Jim - Happy New Year to you too :wink:

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