Adding Sukhumi to the database?

Hi! It seems Simbrief can’t find Sukuhmi airport (designed by BMOW for MSFS). I think it’s in the occupied parts of Georgia which might explain it…

Wikipedia has an article on the airport, including the lat/lon which seems to have dual ICAO codes although I suspect UGSS would be the correct to use.

Sukhumi Babushara Airport - Wikipedia


Hi Daniel,
thanks … all what I have found in the AIPs are UGSS, so what I can do is to add the airport + the runways (12/30) as tailored records but we are not in the position to add terminal procedure too for this airport. So, I will add UGSS in the next AIRAC cycle for our different datasets, where SimBrief is also included.

Hope that helps a little bit

Hi again Daniel,
I have added UGSS now as tailored record - you can expect it with AIRAC 2307 - the next cycle coming in a few days is still ready, therefore with 2307.

Hope that helps

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