Simbrief is a nice system also for planning sim GA-flights. Unfortunately many ICAO airports are not in the database. Maybe smaller airfields from a source such as could be added to Simbrief?
would you be so kind to give us a few examples what airports you are missing (airport ident + name) please? OpenAIP is not really a real-world source (not validated against the real-world) and we need the data in a special format (ARINC424) which OpenAIP doens´t offer.
But again, when we can get a few example airports, I can check it … Most of these airports are not part of the AIPs of the countries and therefore the data provider can´t add it because the countries doesn´t report it. In other words, such data records must be added manually then and the effort in the special format is very big.
Understand. There are a lot of airports that are featured in MSFS, that are not in the database. In this case, I wanted to make some trips in Southern Norway around the excellent Gaya airport ENCN and Orbx ENTO. Some of the airports in this area that are not in SimBrief: ENLI (Lista), ENFY (Fyresdal), ENSN (Geiteryggen) and ENJB (Jarlsberg). ENSN is at least featured on, so maybe it’s in another database?
I would be perfectly happy to be able to manually add them, if there was a feature for this, but maybe there are some more elegant solutions that can be provided, since many of the airports are featured in MSFS by default?
Thoughts? :slight_smile:
sorry for the delay of this answer - the problem is, that the AIP doesn´t offer runway-coordinates for these small airports and without any runway-information, you can´t plan any flight. We have all these airports in our database (as airport only) but without a runway-record - therefore we can´t currently export it - not in any dataset, nor in SimBrief - sorry.
Possible we find a way in the future, to merge the OpenAIP data into our core database that we can offer such airports in SimBrief and all datasets too. But please be aware, this is (when) a long term project and nothing what we can offer in the near future.
Thank you,
How much runway information is needed for GA aircraft and visual departures and visual arrivals?
As an alternative, would it be possible to let users add an airport for a flight plan, with the information you require in the system? I think you already have a button for adding a custom aircraft.
In general: It would be useful to be able to use SimBrief for fuel-planning and charts (even though you end up or arrive at a small or large airfield without SIDs and STARs, it could be that you fly into or from one. This could even be true for a 787 flight to an antarctic airfield as an example.
At least the runway coordinates and the elevation (plus a few other things like lights, markers, …).
That´s only the half way - one point is to add an airport/runway in SimBrief. Your core datasets of your addons, and also the MSFS data doesn´t know anything of this additional information. In other words, you can only use this custom-information in SimBrief but not in MSFS, nor in any addon datasets …
It´s simple not possible, sorry - as I wrote before, possible we find a way in the future (a legal one, concerning our contracts with our data provider) to add 3rd party data too.
Not sure if I understand the relevance… if I simply are looking for making a flight plan with fuel calculations, waypoints, etc.
However, I understand that there are some issues with this method, as SimBrief is connected to high-end navigation in some airplanes. Thought experiment, someone made a flight-plan:
You add an airport/runway in SimBrief - ok … but how will it be used in MSFS? In any other addons? This is only for SimBrief, for your flightplanning - so you never see, never can use these added information in any addon datasets …
sorry, added to my previous post before your answer ticked in.
but the answer is the same … What would you do with a flightplan, which you can´t be used somewhere because the airport is not selectable, the runway is not selectable in MSFS, in any specific addon, … what will you do with this flightplan then?
PS: sorry, when I misunderstood your request
Going back to one of my previous posts in this thread:
Sorry, but the MSFS is not a valid source - there are over 350 airports world-wide which are outdated, ICAO codes are wrong, runway-idents are wrong or missing, some airports are not existing any longer, …
… and when, that would possible solve the MSFS issue but we support all other sim´s (FSX, P3D, XP) too and over 120 addons - this is not a generic solution, sorry.
I would use the flightplan to set my altitudes, fuel the aircraft and then fly the flightplan on my instruments in combination with visual approaches or departures when coming from or going to an airfield that does not have SIDs or STARs or other instrument approaches.
Understood, thank you.
MSFS just released a Caribbean update with some Bespoke airports. It seems MTCA is missing on Simbrief and it is a large airport in Haiti.
Haiti has MTxx as ICAO identifier and not MDxx. MDxx is the Domenican Republic…
So not sure, if we mean the same airport but MTCH Cap Haitian is available in the charts and also in SimBrief.
For MDCA, I haven’t found anything. May I ask the airport name and possible the exact location, to verify it?
I mistyped that it should have been MTCA, and that is missing in Simbrief.
Ah understood, thank you.
I have checked the Haiti AIP but there are no details about this airport available. It seems that Haiti doesn’t report this to any public service because I haven’t found the code in the FAA notams service too.
Such situation doesn’t mean, that the airport doesn’t exists but FAA nor the data provider doesn’t receive any information/updates from the goverment of this country.
Therefore it’s missing, sorry.