Add a distance/bearing ruler

I agree! It’s great that the community is now able to vote for this, much like they can vote for other features they feel strongly about! People tend to vote for the features that would make their lives easier first and then features that would be “more realistic” second. Measuring bearing/distance is not part of the average user’s workflow today, but for some scenarios, it becomes crucial to have!

This is a popular request and it is already on our “to-do list”, but we are a small developer team and we need to prioritize. Thanks for understanding!

A full navlog, including TOC and TOD, is provided by SimBrief when you plan a flight. The waypoints are also shown on the map. This is also mentioned in the previously linked topic. If you have any issues with it or you don’t see any such waypoints, feel free to create a new topic yes!

Kind Regards,