A problem importing flight plans from SimBrief in MSFS2020 game

The system told me “An error occurred during import:The import has timed out,likely due to an underlying error"
What does this error message mean?
How should I solve it?

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

We have investigated and found an issue that has now been fixed in v1.2.2. Please try it out and let us know if it works better for you!

Kind Regards,

Originally all went well re flight plan import Simbrief towards Navigraph,

Then after an update I got this error message :

I have now updated the Simbrief dispatch for MSFS 2020 to 1.2.3 and got this error message :

I currently use the alternative way, but so pity that original flight import went nuts !

How can this be solved ?

Regards Johan


That is very odd… Could you try this version instead? Make sure to remove any folders that begin with navigraph-simbrief from you community folder beforehand.

navigraph-simbrief-dispatch-2020.zip (781.7 KB)

Kind Regards,


Will check soonest.


Hi Malte,

As per instruction I have removed the folder with the same name from the Community folder.
Then I did a restart of my PC.
Once my PC was up and running I have placed your folder in the Community folder.

Once in place I started MSFS 2020 and created a flightplan (you will find it at the bottom of the enclosure) for my FBW A32NX from EHAM to LFPO.

Result : same error message

Meanwhile I will check whether departure from an other airport will give a different error message or none.



Please note I have made 2 flightplans :

  1. from EGFF to EHAM - result : same as my previous one from EHAM to LFPO
  2. from EGFF to EBBR - result : okay !

Conclusion : EHAM is the problem. Very strange as I did not make any changes since the error occured for the first time.

I have to mention that my EHAM scenery is a combination of several downloads by a third party, which worked perfectly during the first few times that I used your dispach-option. As mentioned earlier only after your dispatch-update the error message came forward.
What I will do now is to remove all those 3rd party EHAM downloads from the community folder, check whether your dispatch update is working correctly and then insert the 3rd party downloads to check whether the same error messages will be generated or not (perhaps a bit or byte has dropped out).

I will keep you posted

That is quite an interesting behavior!

I can reproduce the issue with EHAM specifically. We shall investigate!

Hello again!

We believe that we have identified and fixed the issue. Please try version 1.2.5, now released in Hub!

Kind Regards,


Yeah, it seems to be solved. Why “seems” ?

I had removed EHAM 3rd party, but kept EHEH 3rd party in place.

I now created a flightplan from EHEH to EGFF, generated the flightplan and import > result : okay !

I have not checked yet EHAM, but I am 100% sure the issue is now solved.

But now wonder why other simmers flying to/from any place in Holland did not receive the same error messages ?

But your support so short before the Xmas season is much appreciated.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.


I’ll try to clarify:

I was able to reproduce this issue without any 3rd party scenery in the simulator. I also traced the error and was able to determine that the cause was this:

The panel was incorrectly trying to import an airway as a waypoint! There was a very obvious technical reason for this. It also explains why some routes would work while some would not - routes including airways would most certainly fail for anyone!

With the new version 1.2.5, the issue has been fixed!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kind Regards,


I want to reopen this issue again. While using simbrief I made today a flightplan EHAM-EDDV, which a few weeks ago could be imported without a problem into navigraph, now causes an issue (not able to import).

I have also made some tests (other flightplans : e.g. EHAM-LFPG and EDDV-LFPG) and in ALL cases I got the same reply.

Reading the earlier correspondence you will remember we had an issue in connection with EHAM, but now seems to be a different one.

I hope you will be able to find what causes the problem at my place.

Please note I have updated all systems which are connected to MSFS2020 !!

Best regards

Johan Lodewijckx

yes same here keep getting error on several different tries

Hi, I see this issue now as well on my end. We shall investigate.

Hello! Thanks for the feedback; we identified an issue that should be rectified in the latest release 1.2.7 . Please give it a go and let us know if it works better!

Kind Regards,


Indeed problem solved.

Thanks for your speedy reaction.

Best regards

Johan Lodewijckx

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No worries, thank you for the feedback and patience!