Can not import flightplan

Here we go again.
Simbrief Dispatch version 1.2.1

“An error occured during import. The import has timed out, likely due to an underlying error”
It happened after the update to 1.2.1

I just created and imported the following without error:

Please post your equivalent.

Please restart machine, and try again with SimBrief Dispatch.
Also try SimBrief - Dispatch.


I can only import the flight plan in World Map, not at the in game panel as shown in the picture

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As mentioned, please post the text of your flight plan so we can try it, in case that is causing the problem.

Also if you Generate your flight plan in SimBrief Website, can you Import it via SimBrief Dispatch?


it does not matter whatever flight you create, in New Zeeland,Sweden,UK, Australia or in USA.
However if I create a flight in World Map site I can import the flightplan. But when I go into the ingame and try to import the flightplan I get the answere as the picture describe.
The same is if I create the flightplan in Simbrief web site I can not import the flightplan in the in game site.
So it does not matter where or what flightplan I create, I can not import it in the in game site.
What works for me is if I create a flightplan on the World Map site and import it there.
With Best Regards


We have investigated and found an issue that has now been fixed in v1.2.2. Please try it out and let us know if it works better for you!

Kind Regards,

Now, from the ingame toolbar I can not load simbrief dispatcher at all by clicking at the toolbar. Nothing happens. Got the simbrief dispatcher for msfs 2020 from simbrief webb and put it in my Community folder. But still I can start simbrief from World Map site.
In the downloaded file from Simbrief webb it says in the manifest file like this:

{“title”:“SimBrief Dispatch for MSFS v1.2.1”,“manufacturer”:“Navigraph”,“creator”:“Navigraph”,“package_version”:“1.2.1”,“minimum_game_version”:“0.0.0”,“builder”:“Navigraph MSFS Build Pipeline”,“release_notes”:{“neutral”:{“LastUpdate”:“”,“OlderHistory”:“”}},“dependencies”:,“content_type”:“MISC”,“total_package_size”:3820451}

Is that right???. In the navigraph hub under the simbrief dispatchit syas 1.2.2

Sorry, I was to fast on download the file from simbrief webb.
No I have download file Navigraph-simbrief-dispatch-2020-latest version 1.2.2. And redownloaded the Navigraph Hubb version which now says 1.2.2
Still nothing happens in the in game toolbar when clicking on it . It went from white to black nothing happens. But in the World Map I can load up simbrief.

I found that the Navigraph Hub vers 1.2.2 do not install Navigraph-ingamepnaels-simbrief-dispatch-2020
Should it not install that, or how do I else install it.???
I have a full yearly subscribtion

In your MSFS 2020 Community folder,please delete navigraph-simbrief-dispatch-2020 if it exists.

Check you are running Navigraph Hub 1.2.12.

In Hub, click Install next to SimBrief Dispatch for MSFS v1.2.2:


No that does not help me. In the ingame toolbar it shows simbrief dispatcher in white colour. but nothing happens when you click on it. It only turns to black but nothing happens.
I bring you a picture of my Community folder showing the navigraph installation moduls.
Are there correct moduls install after install version 1.2.2 of the hub-


You might try removing mobiflight-event-module as a test to see if that might be causing the issue.


No, that make no difference. Do the hub not install the Navigraph-in gamepanels-simbrief-dispatch-2020???. It is not there and I am running Hub version 1.2.2.


Sorry for the inconvenience. We found an issue in 1.2.2 and have released 1.2.3, which should fix things again. Please give it a go and let us know how it works!

Kind Regards,

At least could pick it up in ingame but not import the flightplan

Get this error when trying to import flight plan.

Version 1.2.5 navigation Hub works now flawless. very very good. Extremely good work
With Best Regards

Hi Bjorn,

Thank you for the update and kind words. Glad it is resolved.

Happy flying



Please download and install latest Navigraph Hub v 1.2.13

Use Hub to Install SimBrief Dispatch for MSFS v1.2.5.

Are you now able to import a Generated SimBrief flight plan?
