A flight plan created in Navigraph is displayed as faulty in Simbrief

How can this happen?
I create a flight from LIMC to LIRF via Navigraph:
I import this into Simbrief using Paste&Copy.
The error message shown in the screenshot appears in Simbrief.
Both have the Airac 2407.


When I drop that route into Navigraph I get the following error:


Not sure what’s going on behind the scenes though. Removing it seems to resolve the problem without altering the plan.


As you see on the charts, ROB6Q and ROB5Z is a transition, so you try to connect two SID transitions and therefore the messages.

Remove the ROB5Z because ROB6Q ends at ROBAS. Please check the charts first …


As described, I did not create the flight plan with Simbrief but with Navigraph.
I then entered the route created by Navigraph in Simbrief and the error in Simbrief appeared.

From my point of view, Navigraph itself creates the faulty route or does not recognise that it is faulty.
Navigraph apparently only recognises the error when you re-enter your own line, as the previous speaker did.

Even before the post, I had simply removed the ROB5Z and ROB6Q myself. Simbrief then accepted the route as correct.

But again, why does Navigraph leave this route itself and not notice the error?

Hi again,
as Neil wrote, when I enter your route string into the app, the app returns with such error (see screenshot from Neil). So the check is correct.

Therefore, please can you explain hiw you have created the route? Because I can’t reproduce it, when I use the auto-routing function in the app. Have you entered enything manually? When yes, how and what?

Possible, we overseen here something …

Thanks for your help

Yes, I created the route manually based on Navigraph’s specifications/offers (no autoroute) for LIMC:

  1. entered the runway based on the wind conditions
  1. Then Navigraph offers me 56 available departures
  2. I selected TELV8G (Transition ROB5J) from the departures offered by Navigraph itself.
  3. The route designed by Navigraph itself: LIMC/35R TELV8G.ROB5J ROB6Q ROBAS DCT EKPAL DCT TINKU DCT XIBIL XIBI3B LIRF/16L
    so I exported them and entered them in Simbrief under “Selected Route”.
    Simbrief then displays the error that I documented in the screenshot above.

To summarise: I only configured what Navigraph itself offered.
From my point of view, Navigraph offers and accepts route components that are apparently incorrect.

But as a supplement, which makes things even more opaque:
I completely “unloaded” yesterday’s route today and repeated the same steps. The result is the route LIMC/35R TELV8G.ROB5J ROBAS DCT XIBIL XIBI3B LIRF/16L , which is accepted by Simbrief. Inexplicable to me.
But perhaps also for the following reason: If I design a route and decide at certain points to select a different departure or transition, Navigraph does not really seem to delete the points I have deleted manually. I have also noticed this with other routes, where two different routes are suddenly displayed, even though I have deleted or changed one route.
Simbrief then displays the error that I documented in the screenshot above.

To summarise: I have only configured what Navigraph itself has offered.
From my point of view, Navigraph offers and accepts route components that are apparently faulty.

But to add to this, which makes things even more opaque:
I completely “unloaded” yesterday’s route today and repeated the same steps. The result is the route LIMC/35R TELV8G.ROB5J ROBAS DCT XIBIL XIBI3B LIRF/16L , which is accepted by Simbrief. Inexplicable to me.
But perhaps also for the following reason: If I design a route and decide at certain points to select a different departure or transition, Navigraph does not really seem to delete the points I have deleted manually. I have also noticed this with other routes, that suddenly two different routes were displayed, although I had deleted or changed one route.