Xplane11 G430 can't load rwy data

It lost its runway info, and I can’t insert departure route into xplane’s default gns430. It can’t load any runways of zhcc even departures or arrivals.
My database cycle is 2413 and all of plugins are the newest.

Is ZHCC part of the X-Plane stock scenery? Means, can you select this airport in X-Plane (with the correct runway idents) without using any 3rd party scenery?


Yes, it’s default. I tryed anothor airport and KBFL、ZHHH also have similary problems.

They’re all the default airports.

Do you get these messages?

When yes, have you reported this? When no, do you see any error message somewhere?


Yes, but I can’t report this because it said my simulator was old, it suggested me to try xp12. I loaded the default airport into world editor and saw that it really have no runway of 12L/30R.
There’s only one runway named 12R/30L.

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