VOR degree tool for VFR flight planning

When using Navigraph Charts, app or web version, and clicking on a VOR on the map it would be SUPER useful to have a line snap from the center of the VOR and extend out to wherever your mouse curser is.

Flight planning for non-GPS equipped aircraft flight would be much easier if you could drag a line from the VOR just by middle mouse clicking on the VOR. Then be able to extend that line to your airport/waypoint to see the to/ from radials in degrees from that VOR.

I haven’t been able to find an accurate way to plan flights that are VOR to VOR using Navigraph Charts otherwise…

Hello! Welcome back to our forum!

It is my understanding that this already existing topic would likely cover your request:

Is this correct? If so, please let me know and vote for that topic instead!

Kind Regards,

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I actually searched first before posting, but didn’t realize that topic meant what I was looking for. Thanks for the direction!!

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