I use both Navigraph and Simbrief.
Since I am increasingly switching to entering certain functions by voice or tablet (with the TouchPortal software), the handling of Simbrief is more than annoying.
Every time I open Simbrief, I have to log in again, even though I have not logged out and even though I am logged in to Navigraph and can open Navigraph without logging in.
The next annoyance: After I have logged in to Simbrief with my Navigraph account, I am asked the unspeakable question about cookies, which I also have to answer.
Both lead to unnecessary barriers that make simple control via tablet or voice impossible.
This cumbersome handling cannot be the reason to prevent piracy, as Navigraph shows that it is easier to handle.
I would therefore ask you to adapt the login procedure for Simbrief so that the program - just like Navigraph Charts - can be started easily without having to log in all the time.
I have set Adblocker and other Chrome extensions differently for this site.
Now it works as you described.
However, I didn’t have to do that for Navigraph Charts login.