Vertical route side profile with WX overlay data

A vertical route plan graphical side profile window at bottom of main interface

These ideas below are all linked to one concept that’s why I’ve added them all to one topic.

  1. A moving position marker that slides along entire route with linked moving marker on main chart top down window. See little nav map for similar example of this.
  2. The window should have user display / don’t display on off toggle.
  3. This side profile should display all of the relevant height associated weather overlays/data such as convective cloud tops height, troposphere height, terrain height and MORA etc etc. linked Y axis scale marker depiction
  4. Route time and distance scale linked to point 1. marker along X axis
  5. It could be integrated with the various weather overlays colour code strips to precisely show what the exact colour is at any point along route linked to marker in point 1. (and corresponding data such as cloud top height is at point along the route plan)
  6. The ability to see the exact colour on the various weather overlays for any point the mouse is over on main chart, linked to the colour scale. Currently its very hard to match the colour scales on the main chart with the colour overlay scales colour ribbons. It would work like a photoshop eye dropper tool where ever the mouse hovers.

Happy to explain any of this in more detail if required.

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Hello! Thanks for posting.

This sounds like an extensions of this topic:

Do you agree?

Kind Regards,

yes an extension with some additional features
