I have two feature requests that I’d appreciate if they can be considered.
Drawing on top of charts - I saw on videos that on the actual Jeppsesen tablet apps you can annotate and mark on the charts - this would be a helpful feature.
Offline charts - my PC is set in a room with poor wifi reception and is connected with wires. However, this makes working with a physical ipad very flaky. Allowing to cache a few charts locally will help a lot.
1 is planned. 2 is not - the app requires continuous Internet connection, and this is one of the technical safeguards to make it difficult to use the app in real flight. Sorry but it is not something we are likely to change.
Regarding the second request: I don’t believe that is viable as a safeguard. Firstly, it is quite common to have cell phone signal in the air, and more stable in-flight internet connectivity for light aircraft using services like OneWeb is just around the corner.
Secondly, and more importantly, if someone would really want to use Navigraph charts for real-world flying they would just print them to .pdf before flight. Or screengrab them if you remove the print functionality.
So IMHO it is just something that inconveniences your actual users without deterring real-world usage.
Quite obviously your call… but I do hope you will reconsider it at some point.
I agree, and I don’t believe that it is in Navigraph’s power to prevent irresponsible pilots from being irresponsible.
Connectivity might have been a thing 10 years ago, that is no longer the case.
I assume it has to do with protecting Jeppesen’s IP and reduce possible liabilities.
I did not expect a different answer, but I wanted to raised this because for me it makes using a tablet while simming very difficult.