Suggestion: Zoom in after touch down

HI, I would like to have a small feature when approaching an airport.
It would be nice if ther would be an option that the charts zoom in so I can see the ground charts when the aircraft vacate the runway (maybe less then 60 ktn) or a trigger via simconnect).



I agree, this would be very useful

@Ian Are you able to merge this request with the other two that are almost the same asking for this feature? Specifically Automatically load the airport chart after landing - #3 by bassplane and Auto zoom to airport diagram - #4 by littlesack. Together these three requests have 51 votes, which I think puts it in the top 10.

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It would be great if we could have an auto-zoom function from and to the airport diagram for taxi guidance. It’s quite cumbersome after landing for example to have to find the destination aerodrome and then pinch to zoom and centre the map appropriately. Maybe if charts could detect when the aircraft has achieved taxi speed and then automatically switch to this view? The same would be good after takeoff - an automatic switch over from the detailed airport diagram to the flight plan route?


Really surprised how little attention this is getting. Having to zoom in on myself from outer space at the beginning of every flight is getting old fast. It’s as if the auto zoom option doesn’t do anything at all.

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Well it has 5 votes so far. Hope you have voted for it. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can see the Wishlist Voting at Wishlist - Navigraph

You can get the loaded plan to fill the screen by clicking on the icon marked in red below:



Ok, I’ll use that, thank you

Hi…, (what is your name)

Thank you for the suggestion.

I have moved one suggested thread to this thread.

Rest assured, in development we review all suggestions with significant votes and combine where features overlap.


I would really prefer not to have it zoom in on charts, but rather zoom in on the map to one click above maximum zoom. This is the best feature for taxiing because it encompasses gates, ramps, taxiways, and practically the whole airport. Better than fumbling between individual charts and the airport diagram chart when you have better things to do. I was thinking of having a button to do this, but having it auto zoom behind the chart you might be looking at during final approach is something I hadn’t thought of and reallly like. Personally I wish I had both. Would be useful to quickly zoom both departure and arrival airfports.


Auto-zoom will probably come in the next update of charts :slight_smile:
Currently there is a button available for zooming in on the airport, but perhaps we should make it zoom in a little bit more? (see attached images)

Kind regards,


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Hello, nice to hear that it is worked on that feature.
Would be also very important for me.

Regarding the initial zoom step: best would be that the user have an option to choose the value himself.
Perfect would be a kind of dynamic automatic zoom:
According to aircrafts speed when on ground, the map zoom will change

Here is a kind of zoom step I would choose at EHAM.
But it could be difficult as smaller airports or airfields need a lot closer zoom.

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Upon landing, close any open charts that obscure the airport and taxiways and auto zoom to the lowest level and centered on the aircraft for taxi.

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This feature is available IRL with navAero; when the aircraft decelerates below 70kts, the selected chart (Approach plate) will switch to the moving map and zoom tracking the taxi layout.

Similarly when speed exceeds 70kts, the selected departure plate will not switch but the moving map in the background will move from taxi layout to tracking mode on the selected route.

This would be a really beneficial feature to aid with awareness especially not having to switch charts post landing.