SimBrief generating strange direct route this morning

Attempting to create a route from GMMN - ENHF. All I get is a direct route and no waypoints. I then tried LPFR - ENHF and got the same output. GMMN - LKTB draws a direct route on the map but it does appear to generate some waypoints. SimBrief also appears top be incredibly slow this morning.


This happened because you were generating a flight for which SimBrief has no routes in the database. This is quite rare, which is probably why you’ve never seen it happen yet. When this happens, it tries to make a route from scratch, which is also why it was seemingly slower than usual.

It’s not uncommon for the route generating attempt to fail, which is also why you ended up with direct routes. When this happens you basically have 2 options:

  • Open the “Route Finder” section in SimBrief and click “Find Route”. This can take more time, but sometimes works in the end.
  • Use another website to find a route. There are links provided right above the route box to services like GRD, EDI-GLA, RouteFinder, and

If you have a Navigraph Unlimited subscription, you can also open Navigraph Charts and use the Autoroute feature to find a route. The Charts route calculator is often more reliable than SimBrief’s Route Finder feature in these instances.

Best regards,

Thank you for the explanation and most useful links to alternative flight plan generation tools.

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