Simbrief 787-9 Horizon Profile missing, or invalid

After the recent update and redownloading the Horizon 787-9 from the ORBX launcher when I went to make a flight plan I selected as usual the B787-9, but when the Variant/Airframe expecting to see the Horizon GE to RR option their was only the default profile. I went through the ORBX website and tried downloading the simbrief profiles which of neither worked. I only received the message " Error: The provided airframe was invalid or no longer exists." the previous Flightsim.To website profiles for simbrief as well do not work anymore. I haven’t been this stumped in quite some time and would greatly appreciate the help. Also the HUD on the new update you have to put your face nearly into it to be able to get the FOV to read the whole HUD otherwise you can only see the flight symbology ie: no alt or airspeed without leaning 3 feet forward.

These airframes are provided by third parties, perhaps in tis case the Horizon mod developers, and are linked to the airframe on the account of whoever provided it in the first place.

That person must have deleted the airframe on their account, possibly accidentally.



I found the following on their Discord:





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Thankyou for the help that added the profiles back to simbrief. Greatly appreciated Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for the report, I have added these profiles back to the public SimBrief list.

Best regards,

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