Show TOC and TOD on the map

Would be useful to have the TOC and the TOD points to show up on the map. They are already available as a waypoint in the Simbrief OFP

We shall use your suggestion for potential enhancements and new functionality. So, please be as detailed as you can.

Only one issue per thread so that others can easily see what has been reported.


On the Simbrief map, we have TOD and TOC waypoints. We also have them on the Active Sky map but doesn’t show on the Navigraph Charts map.



Please also see TOC and TOD points in map charts - #3 by dcamp70


We shall use your suggestion for potential enhancements and new functionality. So, please be as detailed as you can.
For SimBrief feature requests, please see Feature Requests - Navigraph

Only one issue per thread so that others can easily see what has been reported.

I would really love to see a top of descent marker that we either add manually or automatically through the preformamce tab. Thank you :slight_smile:

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